Monday, February 15, 2010

First post about airlines.

What is airline?

Airline - the airspace above the ground or water in the form established by the width of the corridor, within which the fly planes and helicopters of the approved route.

Ensuring airlines include airfields, radio beacons, air traffic control, meteorological services.

Russia's first airline in domestic traffic was opened between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in 1923, international - Moscow-Riga-Konigsberg in 1922.

There are two main types of airlines:

* Local airlines (MVL) - the regional airline, connecting regional centers with each other, as well as with regional centers and remote villages within a radius of 500-1000 km are used for instrument flight rules (IFR) and the rules of visual flight (PVP).
* Air route - trunk airlines to fly long distances (several thousand km) used for instrument flight rules (IFR).

In the next post I'll try Tell A about such famous companies as: france airlines

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